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Time Zones -

Date and Time Gateway
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT/UCT/UTC/Universal/Zulu) Worldwide dates and time. Data NOT guaranteed to be accurate.
Local Times Around the World -
This guide attempts to list all of the world's countries and many of its islands, with a pointer to the local time in the region.
Standard Time Zones of the World -
CIA World Factbook.
Time & Date -
A guide to time zones, calendars and more. A very user friendly web site.
Time Differences by Zone from Perth, Western Australia -
If you happen to be in Australia - Specifically Perth.
Time Service Department -
U.S. Naval Observatory
Times Around the World -
This guide attempts to list all of the world's countries, and many of its islands, with a pointer to the local time in the region. Times quoted as UTC offsets do not consider Daylight Savings Time. Except for the Pacific and Caribbean Islands, islands are often included with either the sovereign country listing, or with the nearest continent.
US Naval Observatory Master Clock Time -
Master Time for the USA time zones. RealAudio "live" broadcast of the USNO Master Clock Voice Announcer. Because it's buffered by the RealAudio player, the audio time will be delayed (late) by at least four seconds from when it left the USNO Master Clock time.
World Time Zones -
Unofficial, non-authoritative information on world time zones.
Yahoo! Time Zones -
Courtesy of Yahoo!

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